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Craft Documentation

Guide: Prof. Abhishek Ganeshgudi

The city of Mysore in Karnataka has been known for ages as the home of the exquisite art of Mysore Rosewood Inlay. In this art form, beautiful designs are inlaid into rosewood to produce exquisite works of art that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. This documentation shows my journey from exploring the craft towards creating a design intervention which is a laptop stand with Kalidasa’s seven literary works inlayed in it. I have made an effort through this craft documentation to give a thorough understanding of this art form and its cultural relevance through detailed  descriptions, photographs, and interviews with skilled craftsmen and experts. This documentation is a tribute to the artists and craftsmen who have dedicated their life to preserving this precious legacy along with serving as a resource for others who are interested in learning more about Mysore Rosewood Inlay.

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"Craft embraces the journey of
creating something using one's hands along with the finished product."

- Angel Wilson

An Exquisite Experience

Visiting Mysore for the field research was a lifetime experience for me as I could meet the talented artisans who creates exquisite crafted pieces in Mysore Rosewood Inlay. Meeting them and interacting with them was so memorable as I could learn the process, the history and everything about the craft. From travelling to Mysore, exploring the city through my eyes and camera lens, interacting with the artisans everything helped me widen my perspective as a designer. I would like to acknowledge Prof. Abhishek Ganeshgudi for guiding me throughout this project. The craft documentation has all the data regarding the city of Mysore, Mysore Rosewood Inlay, the path between craft and design and my design intervention. 

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The Design Intervention

Embarking on the fusion of Mysore rosewood inlay craft with Kalidasa's literary masterpieces was a journey of intricate exploration and cultural reverence. Imbued with the essence of tradition and innovation, my experience was a blend of deep research, creative thinking, and profound appreciation for craftsmanship. Delving into the history and techniques of Mysore rosewood inlay, I uncovered a world of timeless beauty and intricate artistry. Each stroke of the design process was a homage to the artisans who had perfected this craft over generations, infusing it with their passion and expertise. Simultaneously, I immersed myself in the enchanting tales of Kalidasa, who is known as the 'Indian Shakespeare' because of the richness and depth of his writings. As I sketched and conceptualized, I sought to weave these literary treasures seamlessly into the fabric of the inlay craft, preserving their essence while embracing modern utility. The culmination of this endeavor was a laptop stand adorned with scenes from Kalidasa's seven illustrious works, a testament to the harmonious union of heritage and innovation. With each intricately crafted motif, I felt a profound sense of connection to both the past and the present, celebrating the timeless allure of craftsmanship and the enduring legacy of literature.


A 3D render of the laptop stand with the illustrations of Kalidasa's 7 writings inlayed by Mysore Rosewood Inlay Craft



I'm passionate about fostering creative partnerships. If you're driven by innovation and share a similar vision, let's connect!

+91 88840 63744

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